Kamis, 23 September 2010


Wow i've got shocked when someone released ebook for unlocking Blackbery, Its look easy and you had module in it.as long as you take your own risk and use your own Blackbery i still recomend this ebook only for advantage informations not for trying alone.

Caution Please,it may have high risk for beginner user to try it self. Remember its just for expert and technician that knowing the tricks and how to manage it.So Let them try not You.

In this Ebook you can find tools and software you need to run the process, how to use the tools the vendors code (operator that works) and the tricks to manipulate the original Blackberry Systems,so you can use in your own vendor or operator in your country. I just think it become simplier than modding tricks.

Don't forget guys.. its just for a knowledge... and not for self tried.. i recommend you to buy Blackbery handset in their original booth stores.You will had Guarantee service on your handheld even its not for all risk, only for maintenance and components guarantee.

3 komentar:

  1. It's very useful sharing!
    Recently, I bought MOTOROLA CLIQUE mobile locked.
    It's a nice model and i unlocked it from the site http://www.unlocking4u.com/unlock-your-phone/rs6wp2/

  2. mau tanya .. klo unlock Nokia 6630, pake software apa sob... Mohon bantuannya.

  3. @dmin to Vincillia : Thx for the info... dont you
    have Blogs?

    @dmin to Z33S : Coba cek disini


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